
Scientific Concepts
Unanticipated Radioactive Repercussions

Unanticipated Radioactive Repercussions

I have been asked to provide some facts about radiation from nuclear plants. A crippled nuclear reactor is dangerous not because it gives off invisible rays, but because it disseminates harmful radioactive pollutants. So I prefer to use the word “radioactivity” rather than “radiation”. What is radioactivity? Radioactivity is not a thing, but a property...

Response to ‘Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems’

A recent article ‘Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems’ claims that many studies of 100% renewable electricity systems do not demonstrate sufficient technical feasibility, according to the criteria of the article’s authors (henceforth ‘the authors’). Here we analyse the authors’ methodology and find it problematic. The feasibility criteria...
Storage and Transport of Irradiated Fuel Rods

Storage and Transport of Irradiated Fuel Rods

Storing and transporting irradiated fuel rods has been the subject of much discussion and misinformation.  Part of the problem is the vocabulary that is commonly used when discussing this thorny problem. This is an attempt to clarify the current process at Indian Point as high-level radioactive waste is moved from fuel pools to on-site storage....
UK RISER drone to map out radiation at Fukushima nuclear power plant

UK RISER drone to map out radiation at Fukushima nuclear power plant

A drone developed in the UK with radiation-mapping capabilities will be deployed deep inside the damaged and contaminated reactor building of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. The highly technical drone, called RISER which stands for Remote Intelligence Survey Equipment for Radiation, is developed by Blue Bear from Bedford. The software comes from Cockermouth-based Createc. RISER DRONE MAP-OUT RADIATION AT FUKUSHIMA...
Road trip: Meeting the real fossils of New Jersey

Road trip: Meeting the real fossils of New Jersey

Ugh! What’s that smell? When one thinks about New Jersey, the “Garden State,” the first thought that probably comes to mind environmentally is the odor around Exit 13 on the New Jersey Turnpike. The second thought might be the beautiful Pine Barrens of south Jersey.  However, most people do not realize that New Jersey has...

Diablo Canyon Dry Casks’ Safety in Question

This just in from Nuclear News, including a video just released from a meeting held on October 19th: It seems that, according to Dr. Peter Lam, NRC administrative judge, that when the NRC approved Diablo Canyon’s Holtec dry casks, their vulnerability to stress fractures was not known—hence, the safer European design was rejected. The...
"Roadmap for Replacing NY’s Indian Point with Clean Energy" by Jackson Morris

“Roadmap for Replacing NY’s Indian Point with Clean Energy” by Jackson Morris

“What happens to the electric grid, your wallet, and carbon emissions when you retire a troubled nuclear power plant just north of New York City? That’s the central question explored by Synapse Energy Economics, a leading utility industry firm, in a report released today by NRDC and Riverkeeper that finds clean energy—including energy efficiency, renewable...

Indian Point Pop Quiz

Can you answer these non technical questions about Indian Point?  If you can answer 50% of them you know a lot more than most folks in your community.  That being the case – speak out when have the opportunity.  Better still create your own opportunity. If you want more answers mark your calendar for...
"Toxic Liquid Nuclear Waste Headed for US Roadways" by Will Greenberg

“Toxic Liquid Nuclear Waste Headed for US Roadways” by Will Greenberg

“Less than two ounces, says one analysis, could destroy a city’s water supply. The Department of Energy, to the consternation of environmental groups, is preparing to transport 6,000 gallons of highly toxic liquid nuclear waste over American roadways. The spent nuclear fuel is “target residue material” containing highly enriched uranyl nitrate—which after processing can be...
Gordon Edwards on the Problem of Radioactive Nuclear Waste

Gordon Edwards on the Problem of Radioactive Nuclear Waste

Gordon Edwards, scientist and founder of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies, discusses the problem of radioactive nuclear waste. Edwards argues that there is no solution to the storage of nuclear waste. The earth is a collection of moving dynamic systems, not a lock box where we can deposit plutonium and expect it to...

High Level Radioactive Waste Storage

“People who live in the community surrounding a nuclear power plant regard their relationship with the company as a long term marriage.  The company regards it as a series of one night stands.  As soon as they are not making enough money they’re out of there.” Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear industry and engineer with more...
"Nuclear Plants Closing Early Leave Decades of Toxic Waste Stranded"

“Nuclear Plants Closing Early Leave Decades of Toxic Waste Stranded”

“Midway between San Diego and Los Angeles, the San Onofre Nuclear Plant waits to be dismantled. After more than 40 years of protests, lawsuits and safety scares, its two concrete-encased reactors, jutting from the pristine California coastline, are powered down and its massive steam turbines, once deafening, are quiet. For the activists who fought to close...